We are pleased to announce that the RTHK31 (TV) “Arts On Air – The Music Must Go On” is ready to be “on air” now. The 1st episode will be on 14 March 2020 (Sunday) and followed by the next three consecutive Sundays, to make up a total of 4 episodes. The details are as follow:
1st Episode: 14 March 2021 (Sunday) 21:30-22:30
2nd Episode: 21 March 2021(Sunday) 21:30-22:30
3rd Episode: 28 March 2021(Sunday) 21:30-22:30
Last Episode: 4 April 2021 (Sunday) 21:30-22:30
Additionally, TV31 will feature a participating artiste on their “830 Magazine” on every Tuesday leading to each episode on the following Sunday.
For programme updated information, please visit: https://www.rthk.hk/tv?lang=en
Further details are also available at: “830 Magazine” promotion clip: https://fb.watch/45UP4DwxIb/
and “830 Magazine” Website: https://www.rthk.hk/tv/dtt31/programme/830_magazine?lang=en